If you are searching for comment on Old Testament passages, you can find a range of views in the archived copies of Bible Studies magazine. The listing below shows which annual volume contains material on a specific Old Testament book. You can visit the website to review the archived material at: https://churchesofgod.info/publications/bible-studies-archive/

Here is the list:
Book and Year
“Origins in Genesis” (Genesis 1-11) 1969
“Genesis 25-49” 1930
“The Book of Exodus” 1932
“The Book of Deuteronomy” 1956
“Joshua” 1985
“Judges and Ruth” 1988
“1 Samuel” 1990
“2 Samuel” 1993
“1 Kings” 1999
“2 Kings” 2001
“1 & 2 Chronicles The Kings of Judah and Israel” 1995
“Ezra and Nehemiah” 1934
“The Books of Ezra and Nehemiah” 2013
“The Book of Esther and the Psalms of Love for Zion” 2015
“Studies in the Psalms” 1980
“The Messianic Psalms” 1941
“The Book of Job” 2003
“Isaiah (Part 1)” 2005
“Isaiah (Part 2) (see also BS 1960)” 2007
“Jeremiah 1-26” 2017
“Jeremiah 27-52” 2019
“The Book of Daniel” 1952
“Hosea, Joel, Amos” 1947
“Studies in Seven Minor Prophets” 1971
“Studies in the Minor Prophets” 1973